funcApprox class
Defines a class to represent an approximated function
Objects created by this class are a subclass of basis, adding fields to identify a function and methods to interpolate, compute Jacobian and Hessian.
Apart from the properties inherited from basis, objects of class funcApprox have the following properties:
- df: scalar, number of interpolated functions
- fnodes: value of interpolated function at basis nodes
- coef: interpolation coefficients
- Phi: interpolation matrix, evaluated at basis nodes
- Phiinv: inverse of Phi
- fnames: cell of scalars, optional names for interpolated functions
Object of class funcApprox have the following methods:
- funcApprox: class constructor
- updateCoef: computes interpolation coefficients if fnodes is modified
- Interpolate: interpolates the function
- Jacobian: computes the Jacobian of the function
- Hessian: computes the Hessian of the function
To date, only basisChebyshev has been implemented, so calling the function with type 'spli' or 'lin' returns an error.
Last updated: October 4, 2014.
Copyright (C) 2014 Randall Romero-Aguilar
Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt
classdef funcApprox < basis properties fnodes % value of functions at nodes fnames % names for functions end properties (SetAccess = protected) Phi % interpolation matrix Phiinv % inverse of interpolation matrix df % number of functions coef % interpolation coefficients end methods
function F = funcApprox(B,fnodes,fnames)
Constructor for funcApprox
F = funcApprox(B,fnodes,fnames)
The inputs are:
- B: basis object
- fnodes: matrix, values of the interpolant at basis B nodes
- fnames: cell of strings, names of functions (optional)
if nargin==0 return end for s = fieldnames(B)' s1 = char(s); F.(s1) = B.(s1); end F.Phi = B.Interpolation; F.Phiinv = (F.Phi'*F.Phi)\F.Phi'; F.fnodes = fnodes; F.df = size(fnodes,2); if nargin>2 F.fnames = fnames; end end
function set.fnodes(F,value)
Setting new values for fnodes also update the interpolation coefficients
if size(value,1) ~= size(F.nodes,1) error('New value for fnodes must have %d rows (1 per node)',size(F.nodes,1)) end F.fnodes = value; F.updateCoef; end
function updateCoef(F)
To update coefficients, the inverse interpolation matrix is premultiplied by the value of the function at the nodes
F.coef = F.Phiinv * F.fnodes;
function y = Interpolate(F,... varargin... inputs for interpolation method )
y = F.Interpolate(x,order,integrate)
Interpolates function f: R^d --> R^m at values x; optionally computes derivative/integral. It obtains the interpolation matrices by calling Interpolation on its basis.
Its inputs are
- x, k.d matrix of evaluation points.
- order, h.d matrix, for order of derivatives. Defaults to zeros(1,d).
- integrate, logical, integrate if true, derivative if false. Defaults to false
Output y returns the interpolated functions as a k.m.h array, where k is the number of evaluation points, m the number of functions (number of columns in f.coef), and h is number of order derivatives.
if nargin <2 y = F.fnodes; return end Phix = F.Interpolation(varargin{:}); nx = size(Phix,1); % number of evaluation points no = size(Phix,3); % number of order evaluations y = zeros(nx,F.df,no); for h = 1:no y(:,:,h) = Phix(:,:,h) * F.coef; end if F.df==1 % only one function y = squeeze(y); end end %Evaluate
function [DY,Y] = Jacobian(F, x, index)
[DY,Y] = F.Jacobian(x, index)
Computes the Jacobian of the approximated function f: R^d --> R^m.
- x, k.d matrix of evaluation points.
- index, 1.d boolean, take partial derivative only wrt variables with index=true. Defaults to true(1,d).
- DY, k.m.d1 Jacobian matrix evaluated at x, where d1 = sum(index)
- Y, k.m interpolated function (same as Y = B.Evaluate(coef,x), provided for speed if both Jacobian and funcion value are required).
Solve for the one-dimensional basis
if F.d==1 if nargout == 1 Phix = F.Interpolation(x,1,false); DY = Phix * F.coef; else Phix = F.Interpolation(x,[1;0],false); DY = Phix(:,:,1) * F.coef; Y = Phix(:,:,2) * F.coef; end return end
Solve for the multi-dimensional basis
% Check validity of input x if size(x,2)~=F.d, error('In Jacobian, class basis: x must have d columns'); end
Keep track of required derivatives: Required is logical with true indicating derivative is required
if nargin<3 Required = true(1,F.d); index = 1:F.d; elseif numel(index) < F.d % assume that index have scalars of the desired derivatives Required = false(1,F.d); Required(index) = true; else % assume that index is nonzero for desired derivatives Required = logical(index); index = find(index); end nRequired = sum(Required);
Nrows = size(x,1);
c = F.opts.validPhi; Ncols = size(c,1);
Compute interpolation matrices for each dimension
Phi0 = zeros(Nrows,Ncols,F.d); Phi1 = zeros(Nrows,Ncols,F.d); for k = 1:F.d if Required(k) PhiOneDim = F.B1(k).Interpolation(x(:,k),... [0 1],... false); Phi01 = PhiOneDim(:,c(:,k),:); Phi0(:,:,k) = Phi01(:,:,1); % function value Phi1(:,:,k) = Phi01(:,:,2); % its derivative else PhiOneDim = F.B1(k).Interpolation(x(:,k),... 0,... false); Phi0(:,:,k) = PhiOneDim(:,c(:,k)); end end
Compute the Jacobian Preallocate memory
DY = zeros(Nrows,F.df,nRequired); % Multiply the 1-dimensional bases for k=1:nRequired Phik = Phi0; Phik(:,:,index(k)) = Phi1(:,:,index(k)); Phix = prod(Phik,3); DY(:,:,k) = Phix * F.coef; end
Compute the function if requested
if nargout > 1 Y = prod(Phi0,3) * F.coef; end end % Jacobian
function Hy = Hessian(F,x)
Hy = F.Hessian(x,coef)
Computes the Hessian of a function approximated by basis B and coefficients coef.
Its input is
- x, k.d matrix of evaluation points.
Its output Hy returns the k.m.d.d Hessian evaluated at x.
order = repmat({[0 1 2]'},1,F.d); order = gridmake(order{:}); order = order(sum(order,2)==2,:); Phix = F.Interpolation(x,order,false); nx = size(x,1); % number of evaluated points %Dy = squeeze(Dy); Hy = zeros(nx,F.df,F.d,F.d); for k = 1:size(order,1) i = find(order(k,:)); if numel(i)==1 Hy(:,:,i,i) = Phix(:,:,k) * F.coef;% Dy(:,k); else Hy(:,:,i(1),i(2)) = Phix(:,:,k) * F.coef; %Dy(:,k); Hy(:,:,i(2),i(1)) = Hy(:,:,i(1),i(2)); %Dy(:,k); end end end % Hessian
end end