DEMO: basis
This script provides examples on using the basisChebyshev class.
Last updated: October 4, 2014.
Copyright (C) 2014 Randall Romero-Aguilar
Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt
EXAMPLE 2: Using basis and funcApprox to approximate a CobbDouglas function
PROBLEM: Approximate the Cobb-Douglas production function y = f(K,L) = K^0.4 L^0.6 for capital K in [0,2] and labor L in [0,1].
- First, create the production function
y = @(K,L) K.^0.4 .* L.^0.6;
Using a tensor-product basis
Create a 2-D Chebyshev basis T by taking the tensor product of the individual dimensions
opts.type = 'cheb'; opts.method = 'tensor'; opts.nodetype = 'lobatto'; opts.varnames = {'capital','labor'}; T = basis([32 20],[0 0],[2 1],opts); disp(T)
Basis of 2 dimension(s) Variable # of nodes Interval capital 32 [ 0.00, 2.00] labor 20 [ 0.00, 1.00] Type of basis: cheb Type of nodes: lobatto Expansion method: tensor Total basis nodes: 640 Total basis functions: 640
The level of production at the collocation nodes is
yTnodes = y(T.nodes(:,1),T.nodes(:,2));
The approximated function, using basis T, is
yT = funcApprox(T,yTnodes);
Plot the functions
ngrid = 201; kk = linspace(T.a(1),T.b(1),ngrid)'; ll = linspace(T.a(2),T.b(2),ngrid)'; [kk,ll] = meshgrid(kk,ll); yy = y(kk,ll); yTapprox = reshape(yT.Interpolate([kk(:),ll(:)]),ngrid,ngrid); figure subplot(2,1,1), surf(kk,ll,yy,'EdgeColor','none') hold on surf(kk,ll,yTapprox,'EdgeColor','none') axis tight xlabel(T.opts.varnames(1)), ylabel(T.opts.varnames(2)), zlabel('Production') subplot(2,1,2), surf(kk,ll,yTapprox - yy,'EdgeColor','none') title('Residuals using 640 nodes, tensor basis'), axis tight xlabel(T.opts.varnames(1)), ylabel(T.opts.varnames(2)), zlabel('Residual')
Using a Smolyak basis
Now repeat the exercise with Smolyak nodes, with degree and node parameters set to q = 3. Call the basis S
opts.method = 'smolyak';
opts.degreeParam = 6;
opts.nodeParam = 6;
S = basis([80 50],[0 0],[2 1],opts);
Notice the warning about the number of Smolyak nodes: The number of nodes for each dimension must be n = 2^k+1 for some positive integer k. If user calls the constructor with different number of nodes, the constructor increases n to the next admissible value (from 80 to 129 for capital, and from 50 to 65 for labor).
Warning: For Smolyak expansion, number of nodes should be n=2^k + 1,for some k = 1,2,... Adjusting number of nodes Old n, New n 80, 129 50, 65 Basis of 2 dimension(s) Variable # of nodes Interval capital 129 [ 0.00, 2.00] labor 65 [ 0.00, 1.00] Type of basis: cheb Type of nodes: lobatto Expansion method: smolyak Total basis nodes: 321 Total basis functions: 321
The level of production at the new collocation nodes is
ySnodes = y(S.nodes(:,1),S.nodes(:,2));
The approximated function, using basis S, is
yS = funcApprox(S,ySnodes);
Plot the functions
ySapprox = reshape(yS.Interpolate([kk(:),ll(:)]),ngrid,ngrid); figure subplot(2,1,1), surf(kk,ll,yy,'EdgeColor','none') hold on surf(kk,ll,ySapprox,'EdgeColor','none') axis tight xlabel(S.opts.varnames(1)), ylabel(S.opts.varnames(2)), zlabel('Production') subplot(2,1,2), surf(kk,ll,ySapprox - yy,'EdgeColor','none') title('Residuals using 321 nodes, tensor basis'), axis tight xlabel(S.opts.varnames(1)), ylabel(S.opts.varnames(2)), zlabel('Residual')
Notice that the residuals in Smolyak and tensor bases are of similar magnitude, despite the fact that Smolyak is using around half the number of nodes and bases functions (i.e., its interpolation matrix is around one-forth the size of the tensor interpolating matrix).