basis class
Defines a class to represent a multi-dimensional collocation basis
Objects created by this class are of type 'handle', useful for passing the basis by reference.
This class is defined to combine d unidimensional bases into a multidimensional one. The unidimensional basis is defined as any of these bases:
- basisChebyshev
- basisSpline
- basisLinear
Objects of class basis have the following properties:
- d: scalar, dimension of basis
- n: 1.d vector of integers, number of nodes per dimension
- a: 1.d vector, lower bounds of variables
- b: 1.d vector, upper bounds of variables
- B1: 1.d array of unidimensional bases
- nodes: matrix with d columns,basis nodes
- opts: structure with options for chosen type
- type: basis type, i.e. 'cheb','spli', or 'lin'
Object of class basis have the following methods:
- basis: class constructor
- ExpandBasis: computes auxilliary fields needed for combining the d 1-basis
- Interpolation: returns the interpolation matrix
- nearestNode: returns the basis node that is closest to input argument
- plot: plots the basis functions for each dimension
- disp: prints a summary of the basis
- WarnOutOfBounds: change behavior of basis if extrapolating
To date, only basisChebyshev has been implemented, so calling the function with type 'spli' or 'lin' returns an error.
Last updated: October 4, 2014.
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Randall Romero-Aguilar
Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt
classdef basis < handle properties (SetAccess = protected) d % dimension of basis n % number of nodes a % lower bounds b % upper bounds B1 % 1.d array of one-dimensional bases nodes % nodes for d-dimensions opts % options for basis of given type type % type of basis end methods
function B = basis(... n,... 1.d, number of nodes a,... 1.d, lower bounds b,... 1.d, upper bounds opts)% structure with options parameters
Constructor for basis
B = basis(n,a,b,opts)
The following inputs are required:
- n: scalar or 1.d vector of integers, number of nodes
- a: 1.d vector, lower bounds
- b: 1.d vector, upper bounds
The optional input opts is a structure with optional fields (default values in parenthesis).
To choose the type of basis and to set names for its dimensions:
- opts.type: ('cheb'),'spli', or 'lin'; type of basis
- opts.varnames: 1.d cell of strings, variable names ({'V1',V2'...})
For Chebyshev basis, the type of nodes is specified by
- opts.nodetype: 'lobatto', ('gaussian') or 'endpoint'
For Splines, the order of the piecewise polynomials is set by
- opts.order: a positive integer, (3)
For multidimensional basis, the following options control how the unidimensional basis are combined:
- opts.method: ('tensor'), 'smolyak', 'complete', 'cluster', or 'zcluster'
- opts.degreeParam: adjust polynomial degrees for all methods (except 'tensor'), default is 3 for 'smolyak' and max(n-1) otherwise.
- opts.nodeParam: adjust selection of nodes, for methods 'smolyak', 'cluster', and 'zcluster', default is 3 for 'smolyak', 0 otherwise.
As of October 4, 2014 the methods 'cluster' and 'zcluster' are only experimental.
Empty constructor
if nargin==0 return end
Basis dimension
B.d = numel(a);
Use same number of nodes in all dimensions, if n = scalar
if isscalar(n) n = n*ones(1,B.d); end if any(a>=b) error('Lower bounds must be less than upper bounds: a < b') end
Default values for optional inputs
if nargin < 4 opts = struct(); end if isfield(opts,'type') temptype = lower(opts.type); opts.type = temptype(1:4); else opts.type = 'cheb'; end if ~isfield(opts,'varnames'), opts.varnames = strcat('V',num2cell(48 + (1:B.d)));end switch opts.type case 'cheb' % Set default type of nodes if ~isfield(opts,'nodetype'), opts.nodetype = 'gaussian'; end % If more than one dimension if B.d >1 if ~isfield(opts,'method'), opts.method = 'tensor'; end switch opts.method case 'smolyak' % Adjust number of nodes, as needed n_old = n; n = 2.^ceil(log2(n_old-1))+1; if any(n-n_old) warning('basis:SmolyakNumberOfNodes','For Smolyak expansion, number of nodes should be n=2^k + 1,for some k = 1,2,...') fprintf('Adjusting number of nodes\n') fprintf('\t%6s, %6s\n','Old n','New n') fprintf('\t%6d, %6d\n',[n_old;n]) end % adjust nodetype if ~strcmp(opts.nodetype,'lobatto') warning('basis:SmolyakNodetype','nodetype must be ''lobatto'' for Smolyak nodes') opts.nodetype = 'lobatto'; end % set default parameters if ~isfield(opts,'nodeParam'), opts.nodeParam = 3; end if ~isfield(opts,'degreeParam'), opts.degreeParam = 3; end case {'complete','cluster','zcluster'} if ~isfield(opts,'nodeParam'), opts.nodeParam = 0; end if ~isfield(opts,'degreeParam'), opts.degreeParam = max(n)-1; end end end end
Create the 1-basis
switch opts.type case 'cheb' for i = 1: B.d B1_(i) = basisChebyshev(n(i),a(i),b(i),opts.nodetype,opts.varnames{i}); end otherwise error('Method not yet implemented') end
Pack values in object
B.a = a; B.b = b; B.n = n; B.B1 = B1_; B.type = opts.type; B.opts.nodetype = B1_(1).nodetype; B.opts = opts; B.ExpandBasis; end %basis
function WarnOutOfBounds(B,value)
If bool = true, B.Interpolation(x) will throw an error if extrapolating (i.e., evaluating outside the interpolation hipercube [B.a, B.b]). Otherwise, the function will continue without warning.
[B.B1.WarnOutOfBounds] = deal(logical(value));
function F =copy(B) switch class(B) case 'basis' F = basis; case 'funcApprox' F = funcApprox; end for s = fieldnames(B)' s1 = char(s); F.(s1) = B.(s1); end end
function ExpandBasis(B)
ExpandBasis computes nodes for multidimensional basis and other auxilliary fields required to keep track of the basis (how to combine unidimensional nodes bases). It is called by the constructor method, and as such is not directly needed by the user. ExpandBasis updates the following fields in basis B:
- B.nodes: matrix with all nodes, one column by dimension
- B.opts.validPhi: indices to combine unidimensional bases
- B.opts.validX: indices to combine unidimensional nodes
Combining polynomials depends on value of input opts.method:
- 'tensor' takes all possible combinations,
- 'smolyak' computes Smolyak basis, given opts.degreeParam,
- 'complete', 'cluster', and 'zcluster' choose polynomials with degrees not exceeding opts.degreeParam
Expanding nodes depends on value of field opts.method.
- 'tensor' and 'complete' take all possible combinations,
- 'smolyak' computes Smolyak basis, given opts.nodeParam
- 'cluster' and 'zcluster' compute clusters of the tensor nodes based on B.opts.nodeParam
Allocate variables
degs = [B.n]-1; % degree of polynomials ldeg = cell(1,B.d); for i=1:B.d ldeg{i} = (0:degs(i))'; end deg_grid = gridmake(ldeg{:}); %degree of polynomials idxAll = deg_grid + 1; % index of elements
Expanding bases:
switch lower(B.opts.method) case 'tensor' B.opts.validPhi = deg_grid + 1; case {'complete','cluster','zcluster'} deg = sum(deg_grid,2); % degrees of all possible column products degValid = (deg <= B.opts.degreeParam); idx = deg_grid + 1; % index of entries B.opts.validPhi = idx(degValid,:); case 'smolyak' if B.opts.nodeParam < B.opts.degreeParam warning('Smolyak degree param cannot be bigger than node param; adjusting degree'); B.opts.degreeParam = B.opts.nodeParam; end if ~strcmp(B.opts.nodetype,'lobatto') warning('Smolyak expansion requires Lobatto nodes') end updateIDX = false; ngroups = log2(B.n-1)+1; Ngroups = max(ngroups); Nodes = cell(Ngroups,1); Nodes{1,1} = [0,1]; for k =Ngroups:-1:2 N(k) = 2^(k-1)+1; Nodes{k,1} = [... -cos(pi*((1:N(k))'-1)/(N(k)-1)),... %the nodes (with repetition as k changes) repmat(k,N(k),1)]; % group number end Nodes = cell2mat(Nodes); Nodes(abs(Nodes(:,1))<eps) = 0; nodes1 = cell(1,B.d); groups = cell(1,B.d); sortedGroups = cell(1,B.d); for i=1:B.d validGroup = Nodes(:,2)<= ngroups(i); [nodes1{1,i},idtemp] = unique(Nodes(validGroup,1),'first'); groups{1,i} = Nodes(idtemp,2); sortedGroups{1,i} = sort(groups{1,i}); end nodesAll = gridmake({B.B1.nodes}); xGroupAll = gridmake(groups{:}); phiGroupAll = gridmake(sortedGroups{:}); validNodes = (sum(xGroupAll,2)<= B.d + B.opts.nodeParam); validPhi = (sum(phiGroupAll,2)<= B.d + B.opts.degreeParam); for i=1:B.d B.nodes(:,i) = nodesAll(validNodes,i); end if updateIDX degs = [B.n]-1; % degree of polynomials ldeg = cell(1,B.d); for i=1:B.d ldeg{i} = (0:degs(i))'; end deg_grid = gridmake(ldeg{:}); %degree of polynomials idxAll = deg_grid + 1; % index of elements end B.opts.validX = idxAll(validNodes,:); % index of entries B.opts.validPhi = idxAll(validPhi,:); % index of entries otherwise error(... 'Expansion type must be ''tensor'', ''complete'', ''smolyak'', ''cluster'', or ''zcluster''.') end
Expanding nodes
switch lower(B.opts.method) case {'tensor', 'complete'} B.nodes = gridmake({B.B1.nodes}); B.opts.validX = idxAll; % index of entries case 'smolyak' % done in previous switch case {'cluster','zcluster'} H = size(B.opts.validPhi,1) + B.opts.nodeParam; % number of clusters tempNodes = gridmake({B.B1.nodes}); if strcmp(B.opts.method,'cluster') [~,Nodes] = kmeans(tempNodes,H); else IDX = kmeans(zscore(tempNodes),H); Nodes = grpstats(tempNodes,IDX,'mean'); end for i=1:B.d B(i).Nodes = Nodes(:,i); end otherwise error(... 'Expansion type must be ''tensor'', ''complete'', ''smolyak'', ''cluster'', or ''zcluster''.') end end %ExpandBasis
function disp(B)
Prints a summary of the basis
switch class(B) case 'basis' fprintf('\nBasis of %1.0f dimension(s)\n\n',B.d) case 'funcApprox' fprintf('\nFunction approximation for f:A --> B, where\n\t A < R^%d and B < R^%d\n\n',B.d,B.df) end fprintf('\t%-22s %-12s %-16s\n',' Variable','# of nodes',' Interval') for i=1:B.d fprintf('\t%-22s %-8.0f [%6.2f, %6.2f]\n',B.opts.varnames{i},B.n(i),... B.a(i),B.b(i)) end fprintf('\n\t%-22s %-12s\n','Type of basis:',B.type) fprintf('\t%-22s %-12s\n','Type of nodes:',B.opts.nodetype) if B.d>1 fprintf('\t%-22s %-12s\n','Expansion method:',B.opts.method) fprintf('\t%-22s %-12.0f\n','Total basis nodes:',size(B.opts.validX,1)) fprintf('\t%-22s %-12.0f\n','Total basis functions:',size(B.opts.validPhi,1)) end fprintf('\n\n') end
function plot(B,ii)
Plots the basis functions. Input ii is optional, to plot only the specified basis functions. Returns a figure with d-subplots (one per dimension).
for i=1:B.d if nargin<2 ii = 1:B.n(i); else ii(ii>B.n(i)) = []; end subplot(1,B.d,i) B.B1(i).plot(ii); end end
function Phi = Interpolation(B,... x,... evaluation points order,... order of derivatives integrate... integrate if false, derivative if true )
Phi = B.Interpolation(x,order,integrate)
Computes interpolation matrices for basis of d-dimensions. It calls the method Interpolation on each unidimensional basis, then combines all of them.
Its inputs are
- x, k.d matrix or 1.d cell of evaluation points. Defaults to basis nodes. If cell is provided, Interpolation is call of values from cell, and then combined (faster than running the method on the combination of nodes directly).
- order, h.d matrix, for order of derivatives. Defaults to zeros(1,d).
- integrate, boolean, integrate if true, derivative if false. Defaults to false
Output Phi returns the interpolation k.g.h array, where g is number of combined basis functions.
See also basis.Evaluate, basis.Jacobian and basis.Hessian
Check the inputs
if nargin<2; x = []; end % evaluate at nodes if nargin<3 || isempty(order); order = zeros(1,B.d); end % no derivative if isscalar(order); order = order*ones(1,B.d); end % use same in all dimension if any(order<0), error('order must be nonnegative'),end if nargin<4, integrate = false; end
Solve for the one-dimensional basis
if B.d==1 Phi = B.B1.Interpolation(x,order,integrate); return end
Solve for the multi-dimensional basis
Norders = size(order,1); if size(order,2)~=B.d error('In Interpolation, class ''basis'': order must have d columns') end % Check validity of input x if nargin>1 % hasArg(x) if (isnumeric(x) && size(x,2)~=B.d && ~isempty(x)),error('In Interpolation, class basis: x must have d columns'); end if (iscell(x) && length(x)~=B.d), error('In Interpolation, class basis: x must have d elements'); end end
if isempty(x) switch B.opts.method case {'cluster' 'zcluster'} x = B.nodes; nrows = size(x,1); otherwise nrows = size(B.opts.validX,1); r = B.opts.validX; % combine default basis nodes end elseif iscell(x) nrows = prod(cellfun(@(v) numel(v),x)); r = B.opts.validX; % combine vectors in x else % ismatrix(x) nrows = size(x,1); r = repmat((1:size(x,1))',1,B.d); %use columns of matrix x end
c = B.opts.validPhi; ncols = size(c,1);
Preallocate memory
PHI = zeros(nrows,ncols,Norders,B.d);
Compute interpolation matrices for each dimension
for j = 1:B.d if isempty(x) Phij = B.B1(j).Interpolation([],order(:,j),integrate); PHI(:,:,:,j) = Phij(r(:,j),c(:,j),:); elseif iscell(x) Phij = B.B1(j).Interpolation(x{j},order(:,j),integrate); PHI(:,:,:,j) = Phij(r(:,j),c(:,j),:); else Phij = B.B1(j).Interpolation(x(:,j),order(:,j),integrate); PHI(:,:,:,j) = Phij(:,c(:,j),:); end end clear Phij
MULTIPLY individual bases
Phi = prod(PHI,4); end % Interpolation
Nearest node
function [xnode,idx] = nearestNode(B,x)
[xnode,idx] = nearestNode(B,x)
For a given value x, it finds the nearest node in basis B. This method is useful in simulations, when an initial guess solution at x can be given by xnode. idx is the associated index, e.g.
xnode = B.nodes(idx,:)'
N = size(B.nodes,1); gap = zeros(N,B.d); xnode = zeros(B.d,1); for i = 1:B.d gap(:,i) = abs(B.nodes(:,i) - x(i)) / (B.b(i) - B.a(i)); end [~, idx] = min(sum(gap,2)); for i=1:B.d xnode(i) = B.nodes(idx,i); end end
end %methods end %classdef